Ygoz Blog

There's been a lot of predicting online from the website Pojo Forums over what would be the best banlist. Personally, I feel that a minimalist banlist hitting only the problem cards, and not killing any of the top decks, should be implemented.

However, there's been a lot of doubts that Judgment Dragon and Dark Armed Dragon will be banned, due to statements made by Konami representative Kevin Telwart. Even though I prefer that these high impact cards be placed on the banlist, I can see why he thinks they shouldn't. Having high impact monsters is actually pretty fun, and even though it sucks to get "sacked" or have your opponent draw them at just the right time, I can understand his point of view.

Another thing I've been seeing I've been seeing is calls for Heavy Storm being banned. I strongly disagree to this, since Heavy prevents backrow overextension, and it takes skill to get the +1/2 off of it.

Another call if for Brain Control to be banned. I strongly AGREE to this, since Brain Control is the best card to topdeck. The 800 cost is basically totally ignored, since you would be winning the game after this move. It's really unfair how one card can wreck a perfect field.
Now, I'm going to show two lists. The first one is what my idealized list would be. However, this list is very impractical since it involves banning many cards. Although I'm fairly happy (more happy than most) about how Konami runs the game, I've noticed that they both dislike banning cards.

Other thoughts I feel about the game are that 1-1 Spells should be at a higher numer (not counting MST because of how it's a Quick-Play, giving it an unfair advantage.) The card I have in mind is Smashing Ground. I feel it should go to 3. Fissure has been at 3 the whole format, and nothing has happened at all. Smashing is only slightly better than (although, due to low defense levels, this gap has been shortened.) It's also reasonable that it might go to three.

A card in Japan, known as Field Roar Deity Raven is incredibly powerful. It allows the discard of cards to boost his level and attack. He is a Tuner, and his attack can get very high. Even better, it's discard is a cost, not an effect. As a result, he can be used in Dark World decks, Fiend Roar Deity decks (obviously) and Infernity decks. Infernity already has a lot of powerful support, and might be Tier 1 next format. Raven promotes an Infernity format. Also, Raven is highly splashable in other decks. As a result, it will go to 1 in the OCG (hopefully.)

There's also been a lot of talk about randomly moving Banned/Limited cards up to higher numbers since they don't do much (Tsukyomi, Thousand-Eyes Restrict, etc.) I'm all for this, since it increases the card pool. If they do prove to be problems (somewhat doubtful) they can be re-banned.

Last of all, a lot of people are bashing Elemental Hero Stratos and his best friend, Destiny Hero - Malicious. In my opinion, the engine isn't much of a problem anymore. Ideally, we wouldn't have it, but it's pretty much fine and here to stay. Also, an AZ format is predicted (AZ = Absolute Zero.) I don't believe this, since AZ was in Japan for a very long time, but it's meta is still LS and Eatos.

Above are the main boss cards of the current top decks. In my opinion, the first should be banned. Judgment Dragon causes a lot of unndeserved wins.

Brionac should be banned too, because it promotes the Brionac OTK. Even if the deck only went x-3 at 1 (maybe 2) Shonens, OTK's are basically wrong and should be stopped by the banlist.

Black Whirlwind is a card you can't ban, or else it kills Blackwings. I think sending it to 1 would be the best move overall.

However, in reality, this isn't going to happen. Kevin Telwart has stated on multiple occassions that JD doesn't hurt the game as much as some cards he cited on the banlist. This means that JD is either here to stay, or that he is moving a lot of cards off the banlist. In my opinion, both will happen (similar to Breaker unlimitation.) He also pointed out that after 3 Brionacs were allowed, the meta wasn't destroyed. Ideally, we move Brionac to 1 then, since it's become the new go-to Synchro after Goyo. He completely eclipses the strengths of Iron Chain Dragon and Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth.

Black Whirlwind was a card a lot of people wanted to send to 1 at the beginning of the format. However, since Blackwings only captured 1 spot in the Shonen, and only 2 the last Shonen before, I feel that their power has waned. However, we still need to hit it, or else risk a similar thing such as last format occuring (LS only got a few spots, it went untouched, now look.) I feel Black Whirlwind to 1/2 would help stop that. (Probably an outright limit, but maybe 2 since they aren't as good now might be the Konami line of thinking.) The problem with Blackwings are that a lot of their cards are around the same strength, so it's hard to decide what to hit.

Judgment to 0.
Brionac to 0.
Black Whirlwind to 1.

Judgment to 1.
Brionac to 1/3.
Black Whirlwind to 1/2

Brain Control
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Dark Armed Dragon
Judgment Dragon

Black Whirlwind
Fiend Roar Deity Raven

Smashing Ground

Also with some random moves up from Banned, Limited, or Semi-Limited that I'm too lazy to mention. (Thousand-Eyes Restrict, Mask of Darkness, etc.)

PROBABLE LIST: (Even though I generally hate to predict the banlist)

Brain Control

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Burial from the Different Dimension (due to abuse in a lot of decks)
Dark Hole (Boost Starlight Road sales?!)
Mezuki (possibly)
Judgment Dragon
Fiend Roar Deity Raven (if they are smart about it)
Stardust Dragon (due to Starlight Road release)

Black Whirlwind
Tragoedia (possibly since they hate how it's in everything, a random semi-limit)
Random hit to LS (to help balance it.) <-- Possibly Honest
Random hit to LS (to help balance it.)
Random hit to BW (possibly)

A few random cards, probably including Mask of Darkness
This is a post-script about another issue.

Charge of the Light Brigade =/= Reinforcement of the Army

Charge of the Light Brigade is needed in 3 (though they might be able to live with 2) because LS plays on a clock much faster than the 40 minute game clock. LS needs to win before they deck out. Charge gets them the necessary pieces so that they can proceed to win. They need as many copies of this card, and Recharge, as possible because of their "clock".

Reinforcement of the Army is different because Warriors don't need to win in a certain amount of time. You could ban Stratos and then put RotA to 3 is the majority opinion. My opinion is that RotA at 3 is fine already. RotA wasn't even played in Tele-DAD for much of the format, until the last Jump. There, Ryan Spicer's second place deck, Synchro DAD, got 2nd, maining RotA instead of Teleport. Getting the search for Stratos/Dark Grepher isn't that big of a deal in my opinion.
1/23/2010 02:29:08 am

This blog is very informative. It helped me a lot for my gladiators. Im not in favor really of the banlist(blackwing part of it), me runing blackwings and all, but i believe his overall banlist is reasonable.

1/23/2010 05:34:30 am

Well, Blackwings only take a single (though large) hit. Limiting Black Whirlwind is fair since Black Whirlwind floats are your Blackwings, allowing you to play with impunity.

Also, due to Blackwing Treasure being released, as well as Breeze the Gentle Wind, I feel a semi-limit would be a bit too easy, causing a repeat of what happend this format with LS.

1/23/2010 05:46:21 am

well i kinda agree on the idea that jd should be banned cus it really does mess with everything and yea but in a sense the ban list wont be affecting either of my decks that much or even not even messing with my decks at all it just increases the chances for my EBI decks to top well probly not in shounen but maybe a lot easier to top in the regionals

1/23/2010 06:18:23 am

Well, I kinda want to make this clear. The banlist isn't supposed to cater to your individual wants/needs. If a card is banned/not banned, it's because of whether or not it is broken.

1/23/2010 07:16:31 am

Seriously. Charge needs to be hit. That or RotA needs a 3. Charge has a much more dramatic effect compared to RotA as Charge tops 3 cards (possibly scoring a Wulf) and lets you search a level 4 or lower Lightsworn monster (Ryko, Lyla, Lumina, Ehren, Jain, Garoth, whatever the hell you want). RotA is a simple warrior searcher, top candidates being Stratos and Dark Grepher in the current format. Pull a Destiny Hero, Malicious most likely, and couple with a Destiny Draw. Joy. Pull a Dark Grepher, dump Zombie fuel or a Vayu synchro. Joy. Not as dramatic as speeding up a deck 3 cards and pulling a monster from the deck.

For a short summary:
Charge of the Light Brigade > RotA

Charge to 1 or 2 or RotA to 2 or 3. >.>

1/23/2010 07:34:11 am

I don't care about RotA at the moment. RotA can go to 1/2/3, and you can argue for any one of them. RotA isn't broken at the moment, even with Stratos/Grepher.

Charge can only go to 2 at maximum. Before Charge, LS wasn't even a viable decktype, and they had 3x JD. It was because of how Charge speeds through the deck. This stops your other LS monsters from decking you out. It contributes to the deckout, but also gives you what you need to win/suceed in getting past obstacle X.

Charge and RotA have nothing in common except that Charge is based off of RotA. You play Charge and RotA for totally different reasons. RotA is a searcher that gives you what you need when you want it. Charge is a card that sets off combos that allow you to win. Most of the time, it's tutoring Lumina/Garoth for the Lumina + Garoth + Wulf opening. LS NEEDS Charge to suceed.

There's no point killing a decktype if it isn't totally dominating (Tele-DAD format/Chaos CC era.) Limiting Charge sends LS back to Tier 3.

1/30/2010 10:32:19 am

Brionac being at 3 is extremely stupid. Ever since the Stratos event, OCG imported cards to the TCG should be at the same number as it is in the OCG.

8/19/2010 06:03:25 pm

Will is power.

8/20/2010 02:03:08 pm

if you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.

11/7/2010 04:17:41 pm

Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.

3/21/2012 05:32:58 pm


5/12/2012 03:04:10 am

If you don't learn to think when you are young, you may never learn.Weep no more, no sigh, nor groan. Sorrow calls no time that's gone.

7/19/2012 10:52:51 pm

Thanks for this informative post. Keep posting good and useful information.


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